The Italian Empire

The Italian Empire lasted from 1882 to 1960. In 1887, a battle between Ethiopia and Italy occured. The battle was dubbed the Battle of Dogali. Ethiopia outnumbered the Italians and had better guns than the spaghetti lads. The Italians would then go to war with Ethiopia in 1895-1896. They would lose large amounts of men in the campaign, but in the end, would result in several riots in Italy (maybe because they lost twice to an "uncivilized" African civilization.). Italy would be forced to recognize Ethiopia and delinated the borders of Eritrea. It started when the Italy acquired a coastal town that was of an Italian state, forming the Italian Empire. By 1914, Italy would have Eritrea, Somalia, and Libya. After WW1, Italy would get small parts of land. The people where not happy about the small amount of land they gained. The people were very angry until some majestic bald man known as Benito Mussolini became prime minister. Mussolini was a fascist, and wanted to create the next Rome. In 1935, Italy would invade Ethiopia again. They probably would have lost, but Mussolini pulled out his secret weapon. He gassed the Ethiopians with mustard gas and annexed the entire country.

The image above depicts the First Italian Invasion of Ethiopia in a nutshell. It was created and depicted by Briyon Calamity.
He teamed up with Adolf Hitler in the pact of steel. Once WW2 started, Italy would "help" Germany invade France. In one humiliating battle, 9 French soldiers held off 5,000 Italians in the Battle of Pont Saint Louis. Before the Italians fought against France, Italy decided to occupy Albania to secure part of their coast. After France had fallen, Italy set its eyes on Africa and Greece. Italy would invade Greece through Albania. This would result in humiliating defeats against the Greeks, which led to Germany saving Italy again. During and after the invasion of Greece, Italy was invading Africa. This would result in humiliating defeats against the British. As a result, Germany sent down the Afrika Korps, led by Erwin Rommel. This would cause Italy's holdings in Africa to grow. However, Rommel had to pull out of Africa due to defeats and being surrounded. In 1943, the Allies would invade Sicily, causing Italians to be very unhappy. Italy surrendered to the Allied forces in 1943, causing Germany to occupy it to defend from the Allies in the south. After WW2 : The Sequel, Italy had one "colony" left. That colony would be Somalia. Somalia would be independent in 1960, ending the Italian Empire.