The Austro-Hungarian Empire

The nation of Australia-Hungry Austria-Hungary began in 1867 out of the corpse of the Austrian Empire. This is due to a Hungarian revolution in 1848. The Austrian government agreed to create the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. In this compromise, the empire of Austria and the Kingdom of Hungary would agree to work in a union together. This would make two monarchies. These monarchies would be the Hungarian monarchy and the Austrian monarchy, both of which would be "equal" (austrians had a little bit more power). There would also be a semi free state of Croatia and Slavonia. Austria Hungary would be ruled by the Habsburgs (the House of Austria). Austria-Hungary was very multicultural. The major ethnic groups that it contained were Germans(Austrians are German), Hungarians, Slovakians, Czechs, Poles, Italians, Croatians, Romanians, Serbians, Slovenians, and Ukranians.

A literal bowl of spaghetti that shows the ethnic groups of Austria Hungary. This picture was found on Wikipedia.
Austria Hungary's semi free state of Croatia and Slavnoia was annexed in 1908. This would anger the people in the area of Yugoslavia. On June 28, 1914 a Bosnian Serb Nationalist by the name of Gavrilo Princip would shoot Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the face. The archduke was the heir of the Austrio-Hungarian throne, and the nation was not very happy about this murder. Before a certain war the would engulf the entirety of the world for the first time happened, two alliances formed. The Triple Entente, which consisted of the United Kingdom, France, and Russia and the Triple Alliance, which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. After the assassination, Austria-Hungary sent a list of impossible demands to Serbia, which they denied to complete. Austria-Hungary would declare war and begin to shell the Serbian capital. One small problem with shelling Serbia is that they have Russia as an ally. Russia began to mobilize and in response, the Germans mobilized too. The Germans demanded that Russia demobilize. The Russians continued to mobilize, so Germany declared war. Germany would also declare war on France because they were an official ally of Russia. Britain would not join in yet.

A depiction of Austria-Hungary's soldiers during WW1.
The Germans decided to invade through Belgium and Britain said no and declared war on Germany in response to them declaring war on neutral Belgium. In November of 1914, the Ottoman Empire would help in the struggle against the Entente. Austria-Hungary was having large amounts of trouble invading the tiny country of Serbia. Italy would teleport behind the Central Powers (Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary and Germany) and join the Entente in their war in 1915. Bulgaria would join the Central Powers in 1915. Italy joined the Entente to gain land from Austria-Hungary. The entrance of Bulgaria allowed Austria-Hungary to finally defeat the Serbians. During WW1, Austria-Hungary was very incompetent and did not listen to orders that the more well trained German generals gave. After WW1, the Austro-Hungarian Empire would fall apart. Austria and Hungary both became successors of the corpse of the country. The empire died in 1918. Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, and Ukraine would also appear. Romania and Italy would also recieve land after the war.